What is 4-H?4-H provides kids with community, mentors, and learning opportunities to develop the skills they need to create positive change in their lives and communities.
The 4-H Program is built upon four Essential Elements that ensure youth feel a sense of belonging in a safe environment, develop independence in both group and individual work, share with others through generosity, and develop a sense of mastery that continues throughout life as they practice and share what they have learned with others. |
How might a 4-H experience help my child grow?Military families frequently experience physical moves and family structure changes due to deployment and reintegration.
4-H Military Partnership Programs helps children and teens grapple with these changes in healthy ways by building communication, collaboration, and problem solving skills that translate into real-life coping strategies at home and beyond. |
4-H CloverCurious about 4-H but haven't joined a club yet?
Explore fun, educational activities and learning experiences for kids and teens to do at home. CLOVER as a variety of activities for all ages. |
Project YES InternshipAttending a military family event? Chances are, your child will be learning from Project Y.E.S. Leadership Facilitators. Project Youth Extension Service (Y.E.S.) is the national collegiate professional development internship program supporting reserve component youth across the nation. Visit their site to learn about the program and how they support military youth every weekend.